Why working with us?

Why working with us?

There are many advantages to work for Les Petits Bilingues & Nanny Agency!


The Lesson Plans


We provide Lesson Plans to all of our Teachers.

These guidelines help you to get organized and to structure your lessons around a particular theme and/or vocabulary for instance. Our multiple suggestions of activities give you the flexibility to adapt to the wishes of the audience you are teaching.

Not only the Lesson Plans make your preparation for the classes easier and quicker, but also help you to improve as a Teacher!

The Resource Lounge


The Resource Lounge: a dedicated place in the heart of Paris for Teachers and Nannies!

Located in Les Petits Bilingues & Nanny Agency’s office, the Resource Lounge is an open space with a terrasse, a kitchen, free-access computers, sofas and carrels.

Wether you wish to prepare your lessons, photocopy pages in the Scrapbook, find extra resources (books, songs…) that you can use during your babysitting hours, you’re always welcome to come by!

The Resource Lounge is also a great place for you to meet your fellow colleagues, Teachers & Nannies, and exchange about your experiences! Our teams in pedagogy, marketing and HR are also there to answer any question you might have, help with your integration in our country… or just chat in French so you can practice!



I find it very rewarding that you can see the kids progressing! What I also like about this job is that everyone is very friendly and we do things after work together, which is nice.


I like that I teach to different kids everyday and to different groups of age! I love this diversity.



Les Petits Bilingues is the National Leader in teaching English to children. Nanny Agency & Academy Services offers babysitting and tutoring services in English. We recruit the whole year round Teachers and Babysitters.


Nous téléphoner

0820 58 58 00
(0,12€ TTC par min depuis un poste fixe)